Before 1973 (in Moscow)
1. Geometrie de Hamming des cubes unites (in Russian)
Doklady Akademii Naouk SSSR
1960, 134 (5), 1037-1040. MR 22 no 13359.
2. Realisabilite des matrices de distances dans des cubes unites
(in Russian)
Problemy kibernetiki
1962, 7, 31-42.
3. Correction d'un bruit arbitraire et du bruit le pire
(in Russian)
Problemy peredatchi informatsii
1964, 4, 26-31. MR 33 no 5398.
4. Comparaison des bruits additifs arbitraires selon l'efficacité
de leur détection et correction
(in Russian)
Problemy peredatchi informatsii 1965, 3, 29-38.
English translation in Problems of Information Transmission
I(3), The Faraday Press Inc.
MR 33 no 7191.
5. Codage dans les conditions d'un bruit additif arbitraire
(in Russian), Moscou, 1965.
These de Canditat de sciences physico-mathématiques,
Academie des Sciences de l'URSS (diplôme MFM
no 004692)
6. Problème de la comparaison des bruits additifs
(in Russian). Recueil: Systèmes optimaux; méthodes
Exposés de la 2o conférence d'Union Soviétique sur
la gestion automatique,
Odessa, Editions Naouka, 373-376.
7. Codes maximums equidistants de grande longueur
(in Russian)
Exposes de la 2o conference
d'Union Sovietique sur la
theorie du codage et ses applications, 1966, Moscou-Bakou (in
8. Applied combinatorial mathematics
(preface and translation into Russian). Editions ``Mir'',
1968, Moscou.
9. Propriétés linéaires métriques des codes binaires,
Exposés de la 4o Conférence d'Union Soviétique sur la Théorie du
codage et de la transmission de l'information, 1969, Moscou-Tachkent
(in Russian),
10. On minimal number of terms in representation of natural numbers
as a sum of Fibonacci numbers. Preprint: Schriften zur inf. und
angew. math. Rein.-West. Tech. Univ. Aachen 1973, 4. The Fibonacci
Quart. 15-3, 1977, 237-238. MR 57 no 9643.
11. Une propriete extremal des plans projectifs finis dans une
classe de codes equidistants.
Discrete Mathematics 6,
1973, 343-352. MR 48 no 10637.
13. Matrices des formes quadratiques non-négatives pour des arguments
binaires, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série A-B, 1973, A873-A875. MR 49 No 339.
16. Quelques travaux sur la combinatoire et la théorie du codage algébrique.
Thése de doctorat d'Etat (Université de Paris-VI, 1973). CNRS, A.O. no 9241.
12. Bref compte rendu des resultats lies au probleme de la comparison
des bruits
additifs avec un nombre donne de combinaisons
de bruits, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 398, Th'eories de l'Information,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin - New York, 1974, 118-125. MR 51 no 5146.
15. Solution d'un probleme de Erdos-Lovasz. Journal Combinatorial
B 16, 1974. MR 49 no 2404.
17. Problemes de l'existence de
(H1; H2,b)-hypergraphes.
Cahiers du C.E.R.O., Bruxelles, vol. 17, no 2-3-4, 1975,
185-190. MR 54 no 10082.
19. (0,1)-matrics M-limitées à N-structure
donnee, Abstract in Proc of the Int. Congress
of Math. 1974, Vancouver.
14. Racine minimum d'un groupe abélien élémentaire.
Canadian Journal Math. 27, 1975, 819-826. MR 52 no 5442.
18. Extension de quelques themes sur les densites
de series d'elements de N à des series d'ensembles
de N (with P. Erdos), Discrete Mathematics 12, 1975,
295-308. MR 55 no 5569.
21. The best additive arbitrary noises with a given
number of elements, Res. Report, CORR
75/20, University of Waterloo, 1975.
23. Codage dans les conditions d'un bruit additif arbitraire.
Publications CRM-519, Univ. Montréal, 1975, 1-70.
29. There exists only finite number of tight t-designs, Utilitas
Math. 8, 1975. MR 56 no 8389.
20. Matrices dont deux lignes quelconques coïncident
dans un nombre donné de positions communes, Journal Combinatorial
Theory A, 20, 1976, 306-318.
MR 53 no 10612.
22. Propriétés des codes de Goppa (with P. Camion), Revue du
47, 1976, 75-82. MR 54 no 12351.
28. Room squares and equidistant arrays (with R. Mullin
and S. Vanstone), Ars Combinatoria 2, 1976, 235-244, MR 55
no 141.
32. Perfect generalized packing as a generalisation of simple
t-design and matroid-design, Actes du Colloque Int. du CNRS sur la
Combinatoire, Paris-Orsay, 1976, 97-100. Notices of AMS,
24-1, 1977. MR 81 g no 05043.
35. Codes parfaits (with G. Cohen), Revue de
CEDETEC, 49 (1976), 35-44. MR 55 no 12287.
30. Some results related to generalized Varshamov-Gilbert bound
(with F. Hoffman), I.E.E.E. IT July 1977,
517-518. MR 58 no 26517.
31. Maximum number of permutations with given minimal or maximal
distance (with P. Frankl), Journal Combinatorial Theory A
22 (1977), 352-360. MR 55 no 12534.
34. On circulant codes with prescribed distances (with P. Eades), Bull. Australian Math. Society, 16-3 (1977),
361-369. MR 56 no 5328.
39. Decodage des codes de permutations (with
G. Cohen) Colloques Int. du CNRS No 276, Théorie de
l'information, Cachan 1977, 203-207.
41. On permutation group codes (with G. Cohen),
Conférence I.E.E.E. Itaca, 1977. Notices of AMS,
24-5, 1977, p. A-420.
43. On perfect matroid-designs, Proc. of Symposium on Construction
and Analysis of Designs, Kyoto University (Japan), 1977,
98-108. French translation in Colloque Math. Discretes: Codes
et hypergraphes, Bruxelles, 1978. Cahiers C.E.R.O. Vol. 20, 3-4,
1978, 351-358. MR 80 k no 05033.
24. Combinatorial problems on subsets and their
intersections (with P. Erdös and
N.M. Singhi), Advances in Math Supp. Stud.
vol. 1, 1978, 259-265. MR 80 e no 05006.
25. On intersection proprieties of the system of finite
sets (with P. Erdös
and P. Frankl). V Hungarian conference on
Combinatorics, 1976. Proc. London Math. Soc.
(3) 36, 1978, 369-384. MR 57 N0. 16096.
26. Orthogonal systems (with R. Mullin and S.
Vanstone), Aequationes Math. 17, 1978, 322-330. MR 58 no 21711.
37. Some remarks on combinatorial metric spaces and association
schemes (with S. Foldes), SEA Bull. Math. 2, 1978, 26-28.
MR. 83 f no 05013.
40. Bounds for permutation arrays (with S. Vanstone),
Journal Stat. Plan. and Inference 2, 1978, 197-209.
MR 58 no 16346.
44. Intersection-set patterns: linear programming approach, application
to statistics (in Japanese), Journal Japon Oper. Research Society,
1978, 50-60.
47. Approximation of PG(2,n) by sharply edge-transitive digraphs
(with L. Babai), l'exposé in Second Int. Conference on
Comb. Mathematics, 1978, The New York Academy of Sciences.
50. Permutation geometry, Abstract in Proc. of the Int. Congress
of Math. 1978 Helsinki.
51. Cardinalites de sommets et d'aretes d'hypergraphes
certaines conditions sur l'intersection d'aretes (with
I.G. Rosenberg) Proc. de Colloque Math. Discretes: Codes et
hypergraphes, Bruxelles, 1978 Cahiers C.E.R.O. Vol. 20, 3-4, 1978, 279-286.
MR 81 a no 05102.
33. Isometries of the hypergraphs, Proc. of the Conference on
Theory of Graphs (Calcutta, 1976) Macmillan Co of India, 1979, 174-189.
MR 81 c no 05070.
36. Intersection and dinstance patterns (with I.
Rosenberg), Proc. of Conference on Graph theory and related topics,
1979, Academic Press, 133-144. MR. 80 k no 05041.
38. Coding with permutations (with I. Blake, and G. Cohen)
Inf. and Control, 43, 1979, 1-14. MR 80 k no 05020.
49. On maximal permutation anticodes,
Proc. of 10 S.E. Conference on Combinatorics, Boca Raton 1979,
381-392. MR 81 g no 05006.
52. On permutation geometries (with P. Cameron).
Journal of London Math. Society (2) 20, 1979, 373-386.
MR. 81 i no 05049.
53. Distances invariantes et L-cliques sur certains demi-groupes
de relation binaires (with G. Cohen),
Math. et Sci. Hum. 67, 1979, 46-69.
MR. 82 e no 92060.
60. Combinatorics 1979, Annals of Discrete Math. Vol. 8-9 (edited with
I.G.Rosenberg) North Holland Publ. Co. Amsterdam and New York. MR 81 k
no 05001.
42. Generalized intersection patterns and two symbols balanced arrays
(with I.
Rosenberg). Journal Linear Algebra and Appl. 30, 1980, 9-40. MR 81 g no 05039.
46. Some properties of perfect matroid-designs (with
N. Singhi), Proc. of Symposium on Comb. Mathematics, 1978,
Fort Collins, Colorado, Annals of Discrete Math. 6 (1980) 57-76.
MR 82 d no 05047.
48. On permutation cliques,
Proc. de Symposium on Comb. Mathematics,
1978, Fort Collins, Colorado) Annals of Discrete Math.
6 (1980) 41-55. MR 81 m no 05006.
55. The geometric structure of affine triple systems derived
from some commutative Moufang loop and a new MDPB association scheme
(with N. Hamada), Stat. Research group, Hiroschima
Univ. Techn. Report no 18, 1-44, 1980.
56. Espaces metriques plongeables dans un hypercube: aspects
combinatoires (with P.Assouad), Proc. of France-Canada
meeting (1979, Montreal) Annals of Discrete Math. 8, 1980, 197-210.
MR 82 h no 05042.
57. Some metrical problems on Sn (with G.
Proc. of France-Canada meeting (1979, Montréal). Annals of Discrete
Math. Vol 8, 1980, 211-219. MR 82 h no 05109.
59. Finite commutative Monfang loops, related matroids and association
scheme. Proc. of conference on Combinatorics, 1979, Arcata, Calif. (Humbolt
University), Utilitas Math. 1980, 3-15. MR. 81 m no 05043.
27. Recent results on
(r,l)-designs and related
areas (with R. Mullin and S. Vanstone), Rev. Tec. Ing.,
Univ. Zulia vol. 4, s. 1 y 2, 1981, 139-158. MR 83 c no 05016.
45. Codes correcting an arbitrary set of errors (with
M. Karpovsky and V. Milman), Revue du CETEDEC, 66, 1981, 65-76 MR 83 c
no 94019.
62. Every large equidistant set of (0,+1,-1)-vectors forms
a sunflower (with P. Frankl), Combinatorics 3, 1981, 225-231.
MR 82 m no 05034.
63. Some generalizations of perfect codes (with G. Cohen and
P. Frankl) Conference of I.E.E.E. 1981, Santa-Monica, Calif. 150-151.
64. Sharp edge-transitive permutation groups (with L.
Babai, P. Cameron and N. Singhi), Journal of Algebra. 83, 1981, 573-585.
MR 83 c no 20004.
58. Metric subspaces of L1 (with P. Assouad),
Publications de ORSAY 82.03, 1982, 1-51. MR 84 g no 51024.
61. Some maximal equidistant permutation arrays
(with S. Vanstone), Annals of Discrete Math. 12, 1982, 87-94. MR 81 m
no 05052.
69. On the vector space of 0-configurations
(with P. Frankl) Combinatorica 2, 1982, 371-375. MR 84 i
no 05003.
65. On t-distance sets of (0,+1,-1)-vectors (with
P. Frankl), Geometriae
Dedicata 14, 1983, 292-301. MR 85 b no 05050.
66. Some new generalizations of sharply transitive groups and sets,
Annals of Discrete Math. 18, 1983, 295-314. MR 81 g no 05010.
68. Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem - 20 years later (with
P. Frankl) SIAM Journal Alg. and Discrete Methods 4, 1983, 419-431.
MR 86 a no 05004.
72. Orthogonal permutation arrays and related structures
(with A. Bonisoli), Acta Univ. Carolinae 24,
1983, 23-38.
MR 85 d no 05053.
73. On functions of strength t (with P. Frankl and
N. Singhi), Combinatorica 3, 1983, 331-339. MR 85 b no 05057.
67. Intersection and distance patterns (with I.G.
Rosenberg) Utilitas Math. 25, 1984, 191-214. MR 85 j no 05010.
70. Small pentagonal spaces, Rend. Seminario Mathematico di
Brescia 7, 1984, 269-282. MR 86 a no 51037.
71. A-B-patterns and general balanced arrays, Proc. of Comb. Conference,
(Calcutta, 1982) in honour of S.S. Shrikhande, Indian Stat.
Institute, Calcutta, 1984, 101-117. MR 87 h no 05053.
76. Injection geometries (with P. Frankl) Journal of
Combinatorial Theory B 37, 1984, 31-40. MR 86 a no 05033.
74. Sections on quadrics as large intersection families
(with P. Frankl and J.W.P. Hirschfeld), Proc. London
Math. Soc. (3) 50, 1985, 405-425. MR 86 i no 51012.
78. Bounds on the maximum number of vectors with given scalar
products (with P. Frankl), Proc. of Amer. Math. Soc.
95 (1985), 323-329. MR 86 k no 52009.
84. Codes linéaires et courbes modulaires par S. Vladut et Yu. Manin
(preface and translation into French, with D. Le Brigand),
Publ. Math. de l'Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, 72, 1985.
79. On squashed designs (with P. Frankl), J.
Discrete and Comput. Geometry 1, 379-390 (1986).
MR 88 b no 05024.
80. General convolutions motivated by designs
(with I.G. Rosenberg), Acta Univ. Carolinae 27 (1986) 49-66.
MR 88 b no 05039.
81. On permutation arrays, transversal seminets and related
structures (with T. Ihringer) Annals of
Discrete Math. 30 (1986) 185-202. MR 87 k no 05022.
85. On bouquets of matroids and orientation
(with K. Fukuda), RIMS Kokyuroku 587 (1986) 110-129.
87. Full paratransversal systems, Preprint R750522-IT (1986),
Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica.
75. Sharp sets of permutations (with P. Frankl and
P. Cameron.) Journal Algebra 111, 1987, 220-247. MR 89 c no 20011.
83. Bouquets of matroids, d-injective geometries and diagramms
(with M. Laurent), Journal of Geometry 29 (1987) 12-35. MR 89 d
no 51006.
86. A Helly type theorem for hypersurfaces
(with P. Frankl), Journal of Combinatorial Theory A 45 (1987),
27-30. MR 88 e no 52012.
89 The classification of finite connected hypermetric spaces (with
Graphs and Combinatorics 3, 1987, 293-298. MR 88 i no 05074.
82. Rigid pentagons in hypercubes (with N.M. Singhi)
Graphs and Combinatorics 4, 1988, 31-42. MR 89 e no 52019.
88. Intersection theorems in permutation groups (with
P.J.Cameron and P. Frankl), Combinatorica 8 (1988) 249-266. MR 90 f no 20004.
90. Infinite geometric groups and sets (with P.J.Cameron
and N.Singhi), London Math. Soc. Lect. Notes Ser. 131, Cambridge
Press (1988) 54-61. MR 91 f no 20005.
92. Characterization of
(2(q+l)2,2;t,q)-min-hypers in
with t>2,q>4
and its
applications to error-correcting codes (with N.Hamada), Discrete
Mathematics 71 (l988) 219-23l. MR 89 j no 51007.
93. Characterization of (n,k,d;q)-codes meeting the Griesmer bound for given
integers with k>2, q>4
d = qk-1 - qa -
qb - qc (with N.
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, l6 (l988) 321-338.
MR 91 c no 51013.
101. M. Deza, P. Frankl and I.G. Rosenberg (eds.), Algebraic, Extremal
and Metric Combinatorics 1986, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes
series 131, Cambridge University Press, 1988. MR 91 a no 00021.
91. Characterization of
some min-hypers
and its applications to error-correcting codes and factorial designs
N. Hamada), Journal of Statistical Planning and Interference 22 (1989)
323-336. MR 90 f no 94040.
96. A survey of recent works with respect to a characterization of an
(n,k;d,q)- code meeting Griesmer bound using a min-hypers in a finite projective
geometry (with N. Hamada), in "Combinatorial designs - a tribute to
Annals of Discrete Mathematics 77 (1989) 75-87. MR 91 a no 94030.
97. Bouquets of geometric lattices: some algebraic and topological
aspects (with M. Laurent),
Discrete Math. 75 (1989) 279-313. MR 91 c no 05056.
99. On the number of elements which are not n-th powers in finite group
E. Bannai, P. Frankl, A.C. Kim, M. Kiyota), Communications in Algebra
17-11 (1989) 2865-2870. MR 90 j no 20048.
77. Combinatorial structures arising from commutative Moufang loops
(with G. Sablidussi), chapter in ``Quasigroups and Loops: Theory and
Helderman Verlag 1990, 151-160. MR 93 g no 20133.
94. Loops of clutters (with K.Fukuda), IMA Proceedings 20
"Coding Theory", Springer-Verlag (1990) 72-92. MR 91 d no 05036.
98. Metric transform and Euclidean embeddings (with H.
Maehara), Transactions of the AMS 317 (1990) 661-671. MR 90 e no 51025.
100. Positive independence and enumeration of codes with given distance pattern (with D.K Ray-Chaudhuri and N.M. Singhi), IMA Proceedings
20 "Coding Theory" (1990) Springer-Verlag, 93-101. MR 92 g no 05007.
104. On d-transversal planes (with M. Laurent and T. Huang)
in ``Algebraic structures and number theory'' (S.P.Lam and K.P.Shum eds.) World
Scientific (1990) 38-64. MR 92 d no 51009.
113. Bouquets of matroids and F-squashed geometries (with M. Laurent and
A. Pasini), Report 90661-OR, Forschungsinstitut fur
Diskrete Mathematik, University of Bonn (1990), 1-113.
95. Characterization of
(2va+1 + 2vb+1, 2va + 2vb; t, q)-min-hypers
in PG (t,q)
and its applications
to error-coorecting codes (with N.Hamada), Discrete Mathematics 93 (1991)
19-33. MR 93 i no 51019.
102. The cut cone, l1-embeddability, complexity and multicommodity flows
(with D. Avis), Networks 21 (1991) 595-617. MR 92 h
no 90046.
111. The symmetries of the cut polytope and of some relatives (with
V.P. Grishukhin and M. Laurent), Applied Geometry and Discrete Mathematics, the
"Victor Klee Festschrift" (P. Gritzmann and B. Sturmfels eds.) DIMACS
Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 4
(1991) 205-220. MR 92 e no 52019.
112. On symmerties of loops of clutters (with I.Faradjev and K.Fukuda).
Proceedings of All-Union Seminar on Discrete Mathematics (in Russian)
115. Complete descriptions of small multicut polytopes (with
M. Grötschel and M. Laurent),
Applied Geometry and Discrete Mathematics, the
"Victor Klee Festschrift" (P. Gritzmann and B. Sturmfels eds.) DIMACS
Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 4
(1991) 221-252. MR 92 f no 52021.
123. A survey on the known facets of the cut cone (with M. Laurent),
Report 91722-OR,
Forschungsinstitut für Diskrete Mathematik, University of Bonn (1991), 1-88.
54. Perfect matroid-designs, chapter in ``Matroid Applications'' ed.
N. White, Cambridge University Press, Encyclopedia of Math. and its Appl.,
40, 1992, 54-72. MR 93 d no 05037.
103. Facets for the cut cone I (with M.Laurent),
Mathematical Programming 56 (1992), 121-160. MR 94 c no 90073.
105. Facets for the cut cone II: clique-web inequalities (with M.
Mathematical Programming 56 (1992), 161-188. MR 94 c no 90074.
108. Clique-web facets for multicut polytopes (with M. Grötschel and
Laurent), Mathematics of Operations Research 17 (1992), 981-1000.
MR 94 c no 90103.
109. New results on facets of the cut cone (with M. Laurent), Journal of
Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences 17, Nos. 1-2 (1992) 19-38.
MR 94 e no 05139.
110. The Fibonacci and parachute inequalities for l1-metrics
(with M. Laurent), The Fibonacci Quaterly 30 (1992) 54-67. MR 93 c
no 51018.
118. Extreme hypermetrics and L-polytopes (with V.P. Grishukhin and M.
in Sets, Graphs and Numbers (Budapest 1991), volume 60 of Colloquia
Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai (1992) 157-209. MR 94 f no 52015.
124. Extension operations for cuts (with M. Laurent),
Discrete Mathematics 106-107 (1992) 163-179. MR 93 i no 05046.
106. The inequicut cone (with K. Fukuda and M. Laurent),
Discrete Mathematics 119 (1993), 21-48. MR 94 j no 05135.
114. The hypermetric cone is polyhedral (with V.P. Grishukhin and M.
Combinatorica 13 (1993) 397-411. MR 95f no 52013.
116. The even and odd cut polytopes (with M. Laurent),
Discrete Mathematics 119 (1993) 49-66. MR 94 j no 52018.
117. The cut cone III: on the role of triangle facets (with
M. Laurent and S. Poljak),
Graphs and Combinatorics, 9 (1993) 135-152. MR 94 e no 05249,
94 c no 90075.
119. The cut cone: simplicial faces and linear dependencies (with M.
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, 21 (1993) 143-182.
MR 94 m no 52006.
122. Variety of hypercube embeddings of the equidistant metric and
designs (with M. Laurent), Journal of Combinatorics, Information and
System Sciences
18 (1993) 293-320
MR 96 e no 51005
125. Hypermetric graphs (with V.P.Grishukhin),
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Oxford 2 (1993) 399-433.
MR 94 m no 05071.
134. Measure aspects of cut polyhedra: l1-embeddability
and probability (with M.
Laurent), Report LIENS 93-17, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris (1993), pp. 1-60.
107. Collapsing and lifting for the cut cone (with C. De Simone and M.
Laurent), Discrete Mathematics 127 (1994) 105-130. MR 95 d no 05130.
120. Projecting a simplex onto another one (with H.Maehara),
European Journal of Combinatorics 15 (1994) 13-16.
MR 95 b no 52017.
126. l1-rigid graphs (with M. Laurent), Journal of Algebraic
Combinatorics 3 (1994) 153-175.
MR 95 b no 05176.
127. Applications of cut polyhedra (with M. Laurent),
Journal of Computational
and Applied Mathematics 55 (1994), 191-216 (I)
[link]et 217-247 (II)
MR 96 e no 52030
129. Lattice points of cut cones (with V.P. Grishukhin),
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 3 (1994) 191-214.
MR 95 i no 52017.
130. A few applications of negative type inequalities (with H. Maehara),
Graphs and Combinatorics 10 (1994) 255-262.
MR 95 j no 05116.
133. The ridge graph of the metric polytope and some relatives (with
A. Deza), in T. Bisztriczky, P. McMullen, R. Schneider & A. Ivic Weiss
(eds.), ``Polytopes: Abstract, Convex and Computational''
Kluwer, Dordrecht-Boston-London (1994) 359-372.
MR 96 h no 52010.
137. Cut polytope and its lattices (with V.P. Grishukhin),
Report LIENS 94-8, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris (1994).
138. Hypercube embedding and designs (with M. Laurent),
Report LIENS 94-7, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris (1994), pp. 1-49.
145. Embedding of graphs (with M. Laurent),
Report LIENS 94-6, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (1994).
121. Hypercube embedding of generalized bipartite metrics
(with M. Laurent),
Discrete Applied Mathematics 56 (1995) 215-230.
MR 96 b no 52034
128. L-polytopes and equiangular lines (with V.P. Grishukhin),
Discrete Applied Mathematics 56 (1995) 181-214.
MR 97 a no 52019.
131. Hypermetrics in geometry of numbers (with V.P. Grishukhin and M.
in W. Cook, L. Lovász and P. Seymour (eds.),
The Special Year on Combinatorial
Optimization, DIMACS Series in
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 20
(1995) 1-110.
MR 96 g no 52032.
132. On lattice-free polytopes and their diameters (with S. Onn),
DIMACS Report 93-40. Journal of Discrete and Computational Geometry
13 (1995) 59-75. MR 96 c no 52027
135. On the skeleton of the dual cut polytope (with A. Deza),
H. Barcelo & G. Kalai (eds.), AMS Series Contemporary
Mathematics vol. 178 (1994) 101-111.
MR 96 g no 52022.
141. Skeletons of some relatives of n-cube (with A. Deza),
Proceedings of ``Operation Research, Berlin 1994'',
in U. Derigs,
A. Bachem and A. Drexl (eds.) Springer-Verlag (1995) 81-85.
MR 96 k no 52009.
143. Delaunay polytopes of cut lattices (with V.P. Grishukhin),
Linear algebra and Applications 226-228 (1995) 667-686.
MR 96 f no 52021.
144. The combinatorial structure of small cut and metric polytopes
(with A. Deza), in Combinatorics and Graph Theory 95, T. H. Ku
ed, World Scientific, Singapore, 1995, 70-88. MR 98 f no 90051.
149. The Hilbert basis of the cut cone over the complete graph on 6 vertices
(with F. Laburthe and M. Laurent), Report LIENS 95-7, Ecole Normale
Supérieure Paris (1995).
151. Two-graphs on 36 points from the even unimodular lattices
E8 + E8
D16+ (with V.P. Grishukhin),
Report LIENS 95-9, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris (1995).
139. Complementary l1-graphs and related combinatorial structures
(with T. Huang),
in M. Deza, R. Euler and Y. Manoussakis eds.
Combinatorics and Computer Science,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1120
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1996) 74-90
MR 97 m no 05220.
140. l1- embeddability of some block graphs and cycloids
(with T. Huang),
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica 24-2 (1996) 87-102.
MR 97 c no 05039.
142. Bounds on the covering radius of a lattice (with V.P. Grishukhin),
Mathematica 43 (1996) 159-164. MR 98 b no 11074.
Erratum, Mathematica 45 (1998) 209. MR 99 h no
146. Cut lattices and equiangular lines (with V.P. Grishukhin).
in "Discrete Metric Spaces", European Journal of Combinatorics
17 (1996) 143-156 MR 97 k no 52008.
147. A note on l1-rigid planar graphs (with J. Tuma).
"Discrete Metric Spaces", European Journal of Combinatorics
17 (1996) 157-160.
MR 96 m no 05061.
148. Recognition of the l1-graphs with complexity O(nm) and
football in hypercube (with S. Shpectorov),
in "Discrete Metric Spaces", European Journal of Combinatorics
17 (1996) 279-289.
MR 97 a no 05071.
153. On skeletons, diameters and volumes of metric polyhedra
(with A. Deza and K. Fukuda),
in M. Deza, R. Euler and Y. Manoussakis eds.
Combinatorics and Computer Science,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1120,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1996) 112-128. MR 98 c no 90107.
154. Isometric embeddings of semi-regular
polyhedra, plane partitions and their duals into hypercubes and cubic lattices
(with M. Shtogrin),
Uspekhi Math. Nauk = Russian Math.Surveys, 51-6 (1996) 199-200 (1193-1194).
MR 98 d no 52012.
158. Combinatorics and Computer Science (with R.Euler and Y.Manoussakis),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1120, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1996).
MR 97 k no 00013.
152. A zoo of polytopal l1-graphs (with V.P.
Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, 25-3 (l997)
181-231. MR 99 b no 05036.
155. The skeleton of 120-cell is not 5-gonal (with V.P. Grishukhin), Discrete Mathematics 165-166 (1997) 205-210. MR 98 d no 52013. [link]
159. Geometry of cuts and metrics (with M. Laurent),
Algorithms and Combinatorics 15
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1997) 600 pages. MR 98 g (MR146088)no
157. A clin d'oeil on l1-embeddable planar graphs (with V. Chepoi
and V.P. Grishukhin)
Discrete Applied Mathematics 80 (1997) 3-19.
MR 98 j no 05057.
160. The destiny of chess, Variant Chess, 3-23 (1997) 60.
164. Embedding of graphs into hypercubes and cubic lattices (with M.
Shtogrin), Uspechi Math.Nauk=Russian Math.Surveys, 52-6 (1997)
155-156 (1292-1293).
173. Discrete Metric Spaces, Proc. of Int. Conference, Bielefeld 1994.
Edited by W.Deuber and M.Deza, European Journal of Combinatorics
17 (1996), no. 2-3. MR 96 j no 05003.
136. Odd systems of vectors and related lattices (with V.P. Grishukhin),
Acta Applicandae Math. 52 (1998) 31-47. MR 99 k no
150. Once more about Steiner Triple Systems on 15 points,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 72 (1998) 165-184.
MR 99 k no 05033.
156. Fullerenes and coordination polyhedra versus half-cubes
embeddings (with A. Deza and V.P. Grishukhin),
Discrete Mathematics 192 (1998) 41-80.
MR 99 k no 92049.
161. Metrics on permutations, a survey (with T. Huang),
Journal of Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences,
Special Issue in honor of J. Srivastava, 23 (1998) 173-185.
162. Voronoi L-decomposition of PSDn and the hypermetric correlation
cone (with V.P.Grishukhin),
Report LIENS 97-5, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris (1997),
in Voronoi's impact on modern science, Book 2, Institute of Mathematics,
Kyiv (1998) 75-79.
163. Embedding of skeletons of Voronoi and Delone partitions into
cubic lattices (with M.Shtogrin),
Report LIENS 97-6, Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure Paris (1997),
in Voronoi's impact on modern science, Book 2, Institute of Mathematics,
Kyiv (1998) 80-84.
175. Discrete Metric Spaces, Proc. of Int. Conference, Lyon 1996.
Edited by W.Deuber, M.Deza and B.Leclerc, Discrete Mathematics 192
Volumes 1-3 (1998).
MR 99 f no 00015.
177. Polycycles (with M.Shtogrin),
Voronoi's conference on analytic number theory and space tilings,
Kyiv, September 7-14, 1998,
Abstracts, Kyiv - 1998, pp.19-23.
167. l1-embeddable polyhedra (with V.P.Grishukhin),
in Algebra and Combinatorics, Int. Congress ICAC '97 Hong Kong,
ed. by Kar-Ping Shum, Springer-Verlag (1999), pp. 189-210,
MR2000j no 05020.
170. Hexagonal sequences (with V.P.Grishukhin), pp. 47-68
in ``General Algebra and Discrete Mathematics'' (Proc. of the Conference,
Potsdam, 1998). Edited by K.Denecke and H.J.Vogel, Shaker-Verlag,
Aachen 1999.
176. Three, four and five-dimensional fullerenes (with M.I.Shtogrin),
papers/mathematics/9906035 of LANL archive,
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 23 9-18 (1999).
MR2001k no 05016.
181. The Algebra and Geometry of Designs, edited by C.J.Colbourn and M.Deza,
Vol. 86-2 of the Journal of Statistical Planning and
Inference, Special Issue in honour of R.G.Stanton.
185. Primitive polycycles and helicenes (with M.Shtogrin),
Uspechi Math. Nauk = Russian Math.Surveys {\bf
54-6} (1999) 159--160 (1238--1239). MR2001j no
186. Infinite primitive polycycles (with M.Shtogrin),
Uspechi Math. Nauk = Russian Math.Surveys, {\bf 55-1} (2000)
179--180 (169--170). MR2001b
no 05119.
166. Hypermetric two-distance spaces (with V.P.Grishukhin),
Proc. of Int. Conference on Combinatorics, Information Theory and Statistics,
Portland, 1997.
Journal of Combinatorics, Information Theory and System Science, {\bf 25/1-4}
(2000) 89--132. MR2002a no 05084.
169. Embedding of chemical graphs into hypercubes (with M.Shtogrin),
Math. Notes, {\bf 68-3,4} (2000) 295--305. MR2001m no 05248.
171. Uniform partitions of 3-space, their relatives and embedding
(with M.Shtogrin),
papers/mathematics/9906034 of LANL archive,
European Journal of Combinatorics, Special Issue `` Discrete Metric Spaces'',
{\bf 21-6} (2000) 807--814. MR 01 f no 52035.
172. More icosahedral fulleroids (with O.Delgado), DIMACS Series in
Discrete Mathematics
and Theoretical Computer Science {\bf 51} (2000) 97--115.
MR 01 i no 92068.
174. Embedding the graphs of regular tilings and honeycombs into
the graphs of hypercubes and cubic lattices (with M.I.Shtogrin)
in ``Arrangements, Tokyo 1998'', Series
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Math. Society of Japan (2000) 73--92.
MR 01 i no 52031.
papers/mathematics/9906062 of LANL archive,
178. n-semimetrics (with I.G.Rosenberg),
European Journal of Combinatorics, Special Issue "Discrete Metric
{\bf 21-6} (2000) 797--806. MR2001m no 51025.
179. Lists of face-regular polyhedra (with G.Brinkmann),
Report LIENS 98-13, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (1998).
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science {\bf 40-3} (2000) 530--541.
180. Quasi-semi-metrics, directed multicuts and related polyhedra (with
European Journal of Combinatorics, Special Issue `` Discrete Metric Spaces'',
{\bf 21-6} (2000) 777--796. MR2001f no 90076.
182. Fullerenes as tilings of surfaces (with P.W.Fowler, A.Rassat and
Report LIENS 99-4, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (1999).
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science {\bf 40-3} (2000) 550--558.
184. Combinatorics and Optimisation, Special Issue (Volume {\bf 235-2}) of Theoretical Computer Science, edited by M.Deza,
Y.Manoussakis and J.M.Steyaert, 2000. MR2000m no 05004.
189. Pentaheptite modifications of the graphite sheet
(with P.W.Fowler, M.Shtogrin and K.Vietze).
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science {\bf 40-6} (2000)
168. Face-regular bifaced polyhedra (with V.P.Grishukhin),
Report LIENS 97-10, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (1997),
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, {\bf 95/1-2}
Special Issue in honor of S.S.Shrikhande (2001) 175--195.
187. On equicut graphs (with D.Pasechnik),
Multi.Val.Logic, Special Issue in honour of I.G.Rosenberg
{\bf 7} (2002) 363--377.
191. Allowed boundary sequences for fused polycyclic patches and related
algorithmic problems (with P.W.Fowler and V.P.Grishukhin),
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science {\bf 41-2} (2001) 300--308.
193. Addition patterns, codes and contact graphs for fullerene derivatives
(with P.W.Fowler and B. de La Vaissiere),
Journal of Molecular Modelling and Simulation {\bf 19-2}, Special Issue in honor of
E.Osawa (2001) 199--204.
195. Special Issue of Theoretical Computer Science (Volume {\bf 263/1-2})
edited with G.Chang, Y.Manoussakis and J.M.Steyaert (2001).
196. Polycycles: symmetry and embedding (with M.Shtogrin),
Uspechi Math. Nauk = Russian Math.Surveys {\bf 55-6} (2000) 129--130
(1146--1147). MR2002d:05074.
197. Geometrya razrezov i metrik (Russian translation of my book with M.Laurent, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin 1997, with corrections, additions and new introduction; 735 pages), MCNMO, Moscow 2001.
198. Clusters of cycles (with M.Shtogrin), Journal of Geometry and
{\bf 40/3-4} (2001) 302--319. MR2002i:05069.
199. Codes in Archimedean and Catalan polyhedra
(with P.W.Fowler and B. de la Vaissiere), Journal of Chemical Information
Computer Science {\bf 41} (2001) 376--386.
165. A generalization of strongly regular graphs (with T.Huang),
Report LIENS 97-13, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (1997),
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics {\bf 26} (2002) 193--201.
183. Mosaics, embeddable into cubic lattices (with M.Shtogrin),
Discrete Mathematics {\bf 244/1-3} (2002) 43--53. MR2002k:05065.
188. Face-regular polyhedra and tilings with two combinatorial types of
faces, in "Codes and Designs", OSU Research Institute Publ. {\bf 10}
(2002) 49--71. MR2003m:52013.
192. Quadratic forms of rank 1, closed zones and laminae
(with V.P.Grishukhin), Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux {\bf 14}
(2002) 103--112, MR2003k:11115,
papers/math.GT/0004004 of LANL archive (2000).
194. Maps of p-gons with a ring of q-gons
(with V.P.Grishukhin), Bulletin of Institute of Combinatorics and its
Applications {\bf 34} (2002), 99--110, MR2002k:05164,
papers/math.CO/0005269 of LANL archive (2000).
200. Mosaics and their embeddings (with M.Shtogrin). Isvestya of Russian Academy of Sci. Ser. Math. {\bf 66-3} (2002) 3--22 (in Russian). [link]
201. Central Circuits Coverings of Octahedrites and Medial Polyhedra
(with T.Huang and K.W.Lih), Journal of Math. Research and Exposition {\bf
(2002) 49--66. MR2003f:52008.
202. Extremal and non-extendable polycycles (with M.Shtogrin),
Trudy Steklov MIAN (in Russian), translated in Proc. Steklov Inst. Math.
{\bf 239}
(2002) 117-135. MR2004g:05048.
209. Criterion of embedding of (r,q)-polycycles (with M.Shtogrin).
Uspechi Math. Nauk = Russian Math. Surveys {\bf 57-3}
(2002) 149--150 (589--591). MR2003f:05033.
204. Cones of metrics, hemi-metrics and super-metrics
(with M.Dutour), Annales of European Academy of Sciences (2003) 141--162,
papers/math.MG/0201011 of LANL archive (2002).
208. Small cones of oriented semimetrics (with M.Dutour and
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences {\bf 22--3,4}
(2002) 199--225.
MR 2004f:52006,
papers/math.MG/0111145 of LANL archive (2001).
211. Version of zones and Petri circuits of icosahedral fullerenes and
icosadeltahedra (with P.W.Fowler and M.Shtogrin),
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science {\bf 43} (2003) 595--599.
212. Octahedrites (with M.Shtogrin), Symmetry: Culture and Science
{\bf 11--1,2,3,4}, Special Issue "Polyhedra" (2003) 27--64.
213. Lower Bounds for Embedding of Edit Distance into Normed Spaces
(with A.Andoni, A.Gupta, P.Indyk and S.Raskhodnikova),
Proceedings of SODA'03 (ACM--SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms,
January 2003, Baltimore).
215. 4-valent Polyhedra with 2-, 3- and 4-gonal faces
(with M.Dutour and M.Shtogrin), in "Advances in Algebra and
related Topics" (in memory of B.H.Neumann; Proceedings of ICM
Satellite Conference on Algebra and Combinatorics, Hong Kong, 2002),
World Scientific (2003) 73--97, MR2005c:2087416,
papers/math.GT/0212351 of LANL archive (2002).
205. The hypermetric cone on seven vertices (with M.Dutour),
Experimental Mathematics {\bf 12} (2003) 334--440,
papers/math.MG/0108177 of LANL archive (2001).
203. Voronoi's conjecture and space tiling zonotopes
(with V.P.Grishukhin), Mathematika, {\bf 51}, 2004, 1--10.
papers/math.MG/0203124 of LANL archive (2002).
206. Properties of parallelotopes equivalent to Voronoi's conjecture
(with V.P.Grishukhin),
Proceedings of Int. Conference on Arithmetics and
Combinatorics (CIRM--Marseille, 2002), European Journal of Combinatorics,
{\bf 25} (2004) 517--533, MR2005f:52036,
papers/math.GT/0307170 of LANL archive (2003).
207. Non-rigidity degree of root lattices and their duals
(with V.P.Grishukhin), Geometriae Dedicata, {\bf 104} (2004) 15--24,
papers/math.GT/0202096 of LANL archive (2002).
214. Zigzags, Railroads, and Knots in Fillerenes (with M.Dutour
and P.W.Fowler), Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science,
{\bf 44} (2004) 1282--1293.
218. Goldberg-Coxeter Construction for Bifaced Polyhedra
(with M.Dutour), Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, {\bf 11} R20 (2004).
220. Scale-isometric Polytopal Graphs in Hypercubes and Cubic Lattices
(with V.P.Grishukhin
and M.I.Shtogrin) , World Scientific and Imperial College
Press, 2004. MR2051396.
221. On simplicial and cubical complexes with short links (with
M.Dutour and M.Shtogrin), Israel Journal of Mathematics {\bf 144} (2004)
papers/math.MG/0310165 of LANL archive (2003).
224. Archimedean polycycles (with M.I.Shtogrin), Uspechi Mat. Nauk {\bf
59-3} (2004) 165--166 =
225. Addition patterns in carbon allotropes: independence numbers and
d-codes in the Klein graph (with L.Bellarosa, P.W.Fowler and E.J.Lijnen),
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, {\bf 44} (2004)
228. Proc. of ComMaC Mini-Workshop on Two-Face Embedding of Graphs and
Applications, ed. by J.H.Kwak and M.Deza, Pohang University of Science and
Technology, 2004.
230. Similarities and Distances in Data Analysis and Probability Theory
(with E.Deza), Research Memorandum {\bf 930} of the Institute of
Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, 2004.
190. Small cones of n-hemimetrics and partitions n-hemimetrics (with
I.G.Rosenberg), Discrete Mathematics {\bf 291 (1-3)}, Special Issue in
honor of
R.Fraisse, (2005), 81--97,
papers/math.CO/0005270 of LANL archive (2000).
210. Metrics of constant curvature on polycycles (with M.Shtogrin), Math.
Notes {\bf 78-2} (2005) 223--233.
216. Zigzag Structure of Simple Bifaced Polyhedra
(with M.Dutour), Special Issue (in memory of W.Deuber) of Combinatorics,
Probability and Computing {\bf 14-1} (2005) 31--57,
papers/math.MG/0212352 of LANL archive (2002).
217. On volume-measures as hemi-metrics
(with M.Dutour and H.Maehara),
Ryukyu Math. Journal {\bf 17} (2004) 1--9.
222. Zigzag structure of complexes (with M.Dutour),
Special Issue of SEAMS Math. Bull. {\bf 29-2} (2005), 301--320
papers/math.CO/0405279 of LANL archive (2004).
227. Isometric embedding of Wythoff polytopes into cubes and
and half-cubes (with M.Dutour and S.Shpectorov),
in Proc. COE Workshop on Sphere Packings (Fukuoka 2004),
MHF Lecture Notes 2004-1,
ed. by E.Bannai (2005) 55--70.
papers/math.CO/0407527 of LANL archive (2004).
231. Length measures, scales and exotic distances (with E.Deza),
Research Memorandum {\bf 932} of Institute of Statistical Mathematics,
Tokyo, 2005.
232. Distances in Cosmology, Astronomy and Geography (with E.Deza),
Research Memorandum
{ \bf 934} of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, 2005.
233. Graphs $4_n$ that are isometrically embeddable in hypercubes
(with M.Dutour and S.Shpectorov),
SEAMS Mat. Bull. {\bf 29-3}, 469--484, (2005),
papers/math.CO/0411359 of LANL archive (2004).
235. Elliptic polycycles with holes (with M.Dutour and M.Shtogrin).
Uspechi Mat. Nauk {\bf 60-2} (2005) 157--158 = Russian Math. Surveys {\bf
236. Distance metrics: main notions and generalizations
(with E.Deza), Research Memorandum {\bf 945} of the Institute of
Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, 2005.
237. Distances on graphs and networks
(with E.Deza), Research Memorandum {\bf 946} of the Institute of
Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, 2005.
241. Fullerenes: applications and generalizations,
Preprint 2005-38, Preprint Series of Com$^2$MaC, Pohang
University of Science and Technology, 2005.
226. Face-regular $3$-valent two-faced spheres and tori (with
M.Dutour), Research Memorandum {\bf 976} of the Institute of
Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, 2006.
229. Dictionary of Distances (with E.Deza), Elsevier, book (400
pages, 2006.
234. Non-extendible finite polycycles
(with S.Shpectorov and M.Shtogrin),
Isvestya of Russian Academy of Sci. Ser. Math.
{\bf 70-3}
(2006) 3--22
(in Russian).
239. Types and boundary uniqueness of polypentagons (with M.Shtogrin),
Uspechi Math. Nauk {\bf 61-6} (2006) 183--184 = Russian Math. Surveys {\bf
61-6}, 1170--1172.
240. Distances on manifolds
(with E.Deza), Research Memorandum {\bf 982} of the Institute of
Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, 2006.
244. Designs and Matroids (with P.J.Cameron), in
Handbook of Combinatorial Designs, 2nd edition (ed. C. J. Colbourn and J.
Dinitz), Discrete
Mathematics and its Applications 42, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2006, Chapter
VII.10 (pp.847-851); ISBN: 1584885068.
243. The undecakisicosahedral group and 3-regular carbon network of
genus 26 (with
A.Ceulemans, E.Lijnen and P.W.Fowler), J. Math. Chemistry {\bf 42-3}
(2007) 617--644.
250. Zigzags and Central Circuits for 3- and 4-valent plane graphs,
Preprint 2007-19, Preprint Series of Com$^2$MaC, Pohang
University of Science and Technology, 2007.
251. Voronoi L-types and Hypermetrics,
Preprint 2007-16, Preprint Series of Com$^2$MaC, Pohang
University of Science and Technology, 2007.
252. Distances in
Pattern Recognition, in Methods from Mathematics and Computer Science for Pattern Recognition in Biology (DAAD Summer School 2007,
219. More about the 52 four-dimensional parallelotopes (with
V.P.Grishukhin), Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, {\bf 12-4} (2008),
papers/math.GT/0307171 of LANL archive.
223. Filling of a given boundary by $p$-gons and related problems (with
M.Dutour and M.Shtogrin), Proceedings of Int. Conference "General Theory
of Information Transfer and Combinatorics" (Bielefeld, 2004), ed. by
R.Ahlswede, L.Baumer and N.Cai, Discrete Applied Mathematics,
{\bf 156} (2008) 1518--1535.
242. Hypercube embedding of Wythoffians (with M.Dutour and S.Shpectorov),
Ars Mathematica Contemporanea {\bf 1} (2008) 99--111.
247. Isometricheskie podgrafi hypecubov i cubicheskich reshetok (Russian
translation of my
book with V.P.Grishukhin and M.Shtogrin, Imperial
College Press and World Scientific, 2004, with corrections, additions and
new Preface),
MCNMO, Moscow, 2008.
248. Encyclopedicheskii slovar passtoyanii (Russian translation of my
book with E.I.Deza, Elsevier, 2006, with corrections, additions and new
Nauka, Moscow, 2008.
249. Geometry of Chemical Graphs, book with M.Dutour, 300 pages, in
Series: Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications (No. 119),
University Press, 2008.
238. Elementary elliptic $(R,q)$-polycycles
(with M.Dutour and M.Shtogrin), a chapter pp. 351--376 in {\em
Analysis of Complex Networks: From Biology to Linguistics}, ed. by
M.Dehmer and F.Emmert-Streib, Wiley, 2009.
245. The symmetries of cubic polyhedral graphs with largest
face size $6$ (with M.Dutour and P.W.Fowler), MATCH, {\bf 61-3} (2009)
246. Polyhexes that are $l_1$ graphs (with S.Shpectorov), European
Journal of Combinatorics, {\bf 30-5} (2009) 1090--1100.
253. New examples of generalized fullerenes (with M.Shtogrin),
Uspechi Math. Nauk = Russian Math. Surveys, {\bf 64-1}
(2009) 145--146.
256. Encyclopedia of Distances, book with E.Deza, Springer, 2009.
254. Some problems, I care most, European
Journal of Combinatorics, {\bf 31-2} 2010, 649--675.
257. Geometry of Cuts and Metrics, paperback edition of my
book with M.Laurent, Springer, 2010.
259. Enumeration of Hamiltonian Cycles in 6-cube (with R. Sklyar), 2010.
261. Space fullerenes: computer search for new Frank-Kasper structures
(with M. Dutour Sikiric and O. Delgado-Friedrichs),
Acta Crystallographica, {\bf A66-5} (2010) 602--615.
255. 4-regular and self-dual analogs of fullerenes (with M. Dutour), a
chapter pp. 103--116 in "Mathematics and Topology of
Fullerenes" ed. by O.Ori, A.Graovac and F.Cataldo, 2011, Springer.
258. Note on Petri duals and hypercube embeddings of semiregular
polyhedra, Symmetry, {\bf 22-1,2}
(2011) 263--267.
262. Cones of Partial Metrics (with E. Deza), Contributions in Discrete
Mathematics, {\bf 6-1} (2011) 26--47.
263. Zigzags and central circuit structure of $({1,2,3},6)$-spheres
(with M. Dutour Sikiric), Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics {\bf 16-3}
(2012) 913-940.
264. Cones of Weighted and Partial
Metrics (with E. Deza and J. Vidali), Proc. Int. Conference on Algebra 2010:
Advances in Algebraic Structures,
ed. by W.Hemakul, S.Wahyuni and P.W.Sy, World Scientific, pp. 177-197, 2012.
265. Figurate Numbers, book with E.Deza, World Scientific, 2012,
267. Space fullerenes: computer search for new Frank-Kasper structures II
(with M. Dutour Sikiric),
Structural Chemistry,
{\bf 23-4} (2012) 1103--1115.
268. Cones of weighted quasi-metrics, weighted quasi-hypermetrics and of
oriented cuts (with V. Grishukhin and E.Deza) pp. 31--53 in {\em
Mathematics of Distances and Applications}, Sofia, 2012,
270. Protometrics (with P.Chebotarev),
Ivo G. Rosenberg: a commemoration, IEEE Computer Soceity, Tech.
Committee on
Multi-valued Logic, pp. 79--82, 2012,
272. Encyclopedia of Distances, 2nd edition, book with E.Deza,
Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-30957-1.
260. Maximum independent sets of the 120-cell and other
regular polyhedra (with S. Debroni, E. Delisle, W. Myrvold, A.
Sethi, J. Whitney, J. Woodcock, P.W. Fowler and B. de La Vaissiere),
Ars Mathematica Comptemporanea, {\bf 6-2} (2013) 197--210.
266. A topologic interpretation of the walk distances (with
Chapter 4 (pp. 55--67) in
{\em Distance Geometry: Theory, Methods and Applications}, ed. by
A.Mucherino, C.Lavor,
L.Liberti and
N.Maculan, Springer, 2013.
269. Fullerene-like Spheres with Faces of Negative Curvature,
(with M. Dutour Sikiric and M. Shtogrin) pp. 251--274
in {\em Diamond D5 and Related Nanostructures} Carbon Materials:
Chemistry and Physics Volume 6,
ed. by M.V. Diudea and C.L. Nagy, Springer, 2013.
271. Fullerenes and disk-fullerenes (with M. Dutour Sikiric and M.
Shtogrin), {\em Uspechi Matemat. Nauk}, {\bf 68-4} (2013), 69--128.
273. Voronoi Polytope for Polyhedral Norms on Lattices (with M. Dutour
Sikiric), {\em Discrete Applied Mathematics}, 197 (2015) 42--52.
274. Encyclopedia of Distances, 3rd edition, book with E.Deza, Springer,
2014, ISBN 978-3-662-44341-5
275. Geometric Structure of Chemistry-relevant Graphs: zigzags and
central circuits, book with M.Dutour Sikiric and M.Shtogrin,
Springer, 2015. ISBN 978-81-322-2449-5
277. The hypermetric cone on 8 vertices and some generalizations,
with M.Dutour
Sikiric, 2015.
278. Hypercube emulation of interconnection networks topologies, with
A. Alahmadi, H. Alhazmi, S. Ali,
M. Dutour Sikiric and P. Sole, Mathematical Methods in the Applied
279. The joint weight enumerator of an LCD code and its dual, with
A. Alahmadi,
M. Dutour Sikiric and P. Sole, 2015.
280. Zigzag structure of thin chamber complexes, with
M. Pankov, 2015.
281. Polyhedral structures
with quasi-metrics (in Russian),
with E. Deza and M. Dutour Sikiric, Chebyshevskii Sbornik, 16(2) (2015)
276. Enumeration of the facets of cut polytopes over some highly
symmetric graphs, with M.Dutour
Sikiric, International Transactions in Operational Research,
Volume 23-5, pp. 853--860, 2016.
Generalizations of Finite Metrics and Cuts, book with E. Deza and M.
Dutour Sikiric, World Scientific, 2016. ISBN: 978-981-4740-41-8
283. Lego-like spheres and tori, with M. Dutour Sikiric, Journal of Math. Chemistry, Volume 55-3, 752--798, 2017.
284. Encyclopedia of Distances, 4th edition, book with E.Deza,
Springer, 2016.
285. Computations of metric/cut polyhedra and their relatives,
with M. Dutour Sikiric and E. Deza, 2016.